DZ-20: Writing Strong Secondary Characters – Trinity, Bechdel and a Bamboo Killer

Chas & Stu are joined by Bamboo Killer (aka Emily Blake) – one of the co-hosts of the Chicks Who Script podcast. They take a critical look at secondary female characters in mainstream movies through the lens of the oft-cited Bechdel test and the new, less-cited, Trinity Syndrome. The Trinity Syndrome berates movies for creating a “Strong Female Character With Nothing To Do” (like Trinity in the Matrix sequels) and raises a list of questions for filmmakers to ask themselves about their (female) characters.

DZ-13: True That – Tips from Tarantino

What is it about Tarantino’s writing that elevates his work? Chapter 1: Of Milk and Men Tarantino is widely heralded as one of the great writer/directors. Yet new writers are advised to avoid emulating Tarantino because his voice is so strong. Only Tarantino can get away with being Tarantino. Or so the theory goes. But if Tarantino […]